When you are ready to reach your potential customers, reach out to TTHM to get your effective P2P sms mms texting campaign started!

Multimedia (MMS) P2P Text Alerts

TTHM Double MMS P2P Branded Text Alert Messages

What is Branded P2P MMS Text Messaging?

Modern telecoms has been unfortunately defined by rampant SPAM messaging. We help clients stand out from the spammers and scammers by creating authentic branded messaging using P2P MMS Text Alerts.

Multimedia (MMS) Peer-to-Peer Text Alerts combine the simple text element of SMS Text Alerts with dynamic media like images, gifs and short audio clips. Starting with an MMS banner image is the best way to make your text look authentic and legitimate. P2P MMS texts do not have the character limit of simple SMS texts, so your messaging also stands out simply by being more complete.

MMS text messages can include full native links along with detailed information or clear instructions for text recipients. Using native links instead of short URLs generated from untrustworthy sources like bit.ly will help further legitimize your messaging and drive more traffic to featured web pages.

Event Opt-In Text Alert Sample (MMS+MMS)

Single-MMS Text Alert = $0.10/txt*

*One attached jpg/png/gif/mp3/mp4/txt file.
Your text message is delivered as a P2P .txt file.

Double-MMS Text Alert = $0.10/txt**

**Two attached jpg/png/gif/mp3/mp4/txt files.
Your text message is delivered as a P2P .txt file.

Using Multimedia Text Alert technology, TTHM can quickly send tens of thousands of scripted text messages to your target audience.

Our team manages replies to the initial text to ensure a complete conversation. TTHM works with each client to customize the Initial Message and Reply Scripts to achieve specific outreach goals. We can then provide reports that detail each message sent, whether it was received, any responses returned by text recipients, and a list of those who asked to be placed on a Do Not Contact list.

We believe strongly that any job worth doing is worth doing right. TTHM always includes opt-out language to ensure that we are TCPA-compliant. We also work with mobile carriers to ensure that we abide by both stringent regulations and carrier preferences so that our messages are trusted by receiving carriers. We embrace full compliance with relevant regulations to maximize delivery of your Peer-to-Peer text messages.

Why Choose MMS Over SMS?

Multimedia Text Alerts have the highest read and response rates of any digital outreach. The delivered text message leaves a legacy on each recipient phone with your branding and your messaging.

Use a branded header image or lead with an amusing or emotionally-charged meme. Starting with a visual component increases engagement, reaction and response to your messaging.

Including one or more web links ensures that your outbound text is not the end of the conversation. Reply Scripts allow TTHM Operators to continue each text conversation to its natural conclusion, and reports show which conversations may require additional followup.

Branded Double-MMS Text Alert Samples

Branded Double-MMS Texts as viewed on recipient phones:

Banner Image + Unlimited Text Copy with Full Links creates trusted text messaging

Delivered Double-MMS P2P Text Alert for town hall invite
Branded P2P MMS Text Alerts for cities and counties detail - use full native links and a banner image to authenticate your messaging and develop trust
Full Text Copy as seen in “View All”
P2P MMS Text Alerts for canvassing neighborhoods
Delivered Double-MMS P2P Text Alert for targeted canvassing
P2P MMS Text Alerts for solar, roofing and other sales outreach targeting by demographic or area.
Full Text Copy as seen in “View All”
Branded P2P MMS Text Alerts for political candidates and campaigns - promote Teletownhalls, GOTV, deliver important information, drive traffic to targeted web pages
Delivered Double-MMS P2P Text Alert for campaign outreach
Branded P2P MMS Text Alerts for political candidates and campaigns detail - use full native links and a banner image to authenticate your messaging and develop trust
Full Text Copy as seen in “View All”
Campaign Double-MMS Text Detail
Delivered Double-MMS P2P Text Alert for labor union communications
Branded P2P MMS Text Alerts for labor unions detail - use full native links and a banner image to authenticate your messaging and develop trust
Full Text Copy as seen in “View All”
Branded P2P MMS Text Alerts for school districts - promote teletownhalls, deliver important information, drive traffic to targeted web pages
Delivered Double-MMS P2P Text Alert for school district discourse
Branded P2P MMS Text Alerts for school districts detail - use full native links and a banner image to authenticate your messaging and develop trust
Full Text Copy as seen in “View All”

Instant Viewing & No Spam

Did you know the average person checks their phone 150 times a day? 

That probably includes you too!  But don’t worry, this is good news for outreach.

150 times a day means you have 150 chances to capture your target audience’s attention.  Multimedia Text Alerts appear as notifications on smartphones, so there’s no need to wait for your audience to check their mailbox/email or log on to social media.  Recipients can see your message instantly.  The more engaging your text is, the more likely you are to get the response you want.

Multimedia Text Alerts like the examples above also have a 98.5% open rate, which means your message gets through reliably.  Better yet, we work to be compliant with both federal law and the preferences of mobile service providers.

Since the beginning of 2020, TTHM company policy has been to include opt-out language in every text we send.  It legitimizes our clients’ messages for both mobile providers and text recipients.  We will always stay ahead of the curve on compliance to make sure your messages don’t end up as SPAM.

Let Us Do the Work for You

As a full-service Multimedia Text Alert provider, we help script the Initial Message and Reply Scripts, then manually send each text Peer-to-Peer and manage replies for several days to help conclude each conversation.

  • TTHM helps write scripts, deploys all Text Alerts, and manages responses with scripted replies.
  • We follow TCPA and FCC requirements to ensure your outreach is legit.
  • Responding to all reasonable replies makes sure nobody is left hanging.  (“Is this real?”)
    Your audience will know there is a real, live human being behind every text message.
  • Our team can send hundreds of thousands of multimedia text alerts a day.  No job is too big or too small!

Personalization with a Better Price Tag

Stop marketing to your audience like they’re just a number in your database! Multimedia Text Alerts allow you to engage in one-on-one conversations at a fraction of the cost of traditional forms of advertising. Our scripting strategy allows TTHM staff to manage hundreds or thousands of replies to your Initial Message.

We can help you source targeted data for your Text Alert campaign based on location, demographics, voting frequency, census tract and more. Bad data means bad outreach, so make sure yours is fresh.

Your hard-earned marketing dollars should convey who you are and what you’re about. With MMS you can include a logo that authenticates your message, and a link that drives recipients to take specific actions. Script a reply chain that asks for opt-ins, advocacy or anything else. Every TTHM Text Alert campaign is client customized.

When to Leverage Multimedia Text Alerts

Here are just a few of the ways our clients have implemented TTHM Multimedia Text Alert technology:

Talk Tech With Us

Want to learn more about any of our services? Get in touch with us now to discuss your outreach goals. We are happy to offer suggestions, provide a quote, or schedule a virtual demo of our Teletownhall forums.