
Health Care Outreach

Live Voice Broadcast Robocall by TTHM
Benefits of Our Virtual Telephone Town Halls
  • Reach thousands with one dialout!
    Recipients simply answer their phone to join the live forum.
  • Add language simulcasts in Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese, etc.
    Incoming participants select their language of choice.
  • Offer participants transfers during or at the end of the event.
    Transfer to support teams or to call centers for scheduling.
  • Engage members! The moderated forum keys on participation.
    Answer questions, run surveys, tag listeners for followup and more.
  • Evaluate your virtual phone forum effectiveness.
    Extensive reports include an executive summary and participation details.
  • No subscription, schedule events as needed.
    On-board new members, encourage appointments & programs, provide plan updates during enrollment periods, or amplify a special program.
Medicare Beneficiary Telephone Town Hall Participant

Never manage the tech, we’ll do that for you!

TTHM provides experienced staff familiar with health care and benefit terminology. Our Screeners, Collectors and Moderators have processed thousands of questions, and delivered benefit information to millions of event participants.

Managed Q&A allows for a personal touch even within a large virtual forum. TTHM Operators provide detailed question summaries that can be read in general terms and answered live.

Medicare Member Outreach develop trust

How does a TTHM Teletownhall work?

Teletownhall Broadcasts educate thousands of participants in a single hour-long forum. It starts with an outbound dial to a target audience.

Then we use structured content, live Q&A and real-time polling to engage the listening audience over the phone. Your featured doctors or experts highlight benefits and encourage outcomes.

Every event is customized to your outreach goals.

How does TTHM assist with live Teletownhall event production?
how do we broadcast Telephone Town Halls in other languages?
Multiple Language Broadcast Spanish Simulcast by TTHM
How do Telephone Town Halls increase member retention?

Telephone Town Hall Meetings allow you to reach a larger audience than other formats because of our outbound dial technology so that you can feature doctors and plan experts in an appealing, easy-access event.

TTHM event management enables client presenters to focus on sharing key information, interacting with attendees, answering questions, and educating the audience on the features and benefits of a given plan. Our goal is to help educate and retain Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries.

Telephone Town Hall Meeting provides a financially efficient means to communicate with large targeted groups of your members, helping them get the most from their health care benefits. These events are especially effective for Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries who prefer a detailed verbal walk-through of benefits, and appreciate the opportunity to have their questions fielded by live operators and knowledgeable experts.

Our experienced Moderators and Operators can help you craft an event program that balances information delivery and audience interaction. We want to retain listening members on our live forum with the goal of retaining them on your plan. By creating a workflow between our operators and your support teams, we can ensure that every member question is answered either during or after the live event.

How do you promote a member Telephone Town Hall?
Health Care Branded P2P MMS Text Alert for health plan member outreach
Health Care Branded P2P MMS Text Alert for health plan member outreach with links unlimited characters
Medicare Beneficiary Teletownhall Forum walkthrough

See below for a visual walkthrough of a typical health care membership Teletownhall.

Reach out for a TTHM Demo to see our virtual production platform in action, and to discuss how we can customize our live virtual forums to accomplish your specific goals.

Request a Demo

Want to get a closer look at how it works?
Get in touch with us now to schedule a demo of our outreach technology and services.