
Transit Authorities

Transit Authority Outreach by TTHM

Connecting Transit Authorities to Their Communities

What do Transit Authorities Discuss on Telephone Town Halls?

  • Transit Bond Initiatives – while transit authorities typically need to avoid direct electioneering and asking for a “Yes” vote on an upcoming bond, they can still provide detailed information on the benefits of a bond package and answer questions from voters. Transit authorities across the nation from MARTA to METRO have used this tool to discuss the future of regional transit during an election cycle.
  • Transit Master Plans – planning is a large part of what transit authorities do, and sharing those details with riders and the public at large can help generate buy-in from your community. Regional authorities and state departments of transportation have used Teletownhalls and Text Alerts to first get feedback and then deliver final long-term planning to riders and residents.
  • Promoting New Services – TTHM has partnered with transit authorities to promote new rail lines, eco-friendly bus fleets, ride-share partnerships, modified fare roll-outs and much more. Every event is catered to client goals, and we can use both Teletownhalls and Text Alerts to amplify other aspects of your service promotion plan whether that be in-person events, public surveys, new websites or improved mobile apps.

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