SEIU and NDWA (National Domestic Workers Alliance), held a massive tele-town hall call to highlight key issues for members. The forum was used as a powerful call to action for members nationwide to reach out to their Representatives in Congress. The tele-town…
Pennsylvania State Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta hosted a critical tele-town hall meeting to provide vaccine information to Philadelphia residents. Joining the call was special guest, Infectious Disease Specialist Dr. Shara Epstein from the Philadelphia Health Department. The hour-long call, managed by Tele Town Hall Meeting (TTHM), provided a significant opportunity for Rep. Kenyatta and Dr. Epstein…
The call, managed by Telephone Town Hall Meeting (TTHM), provided a significant opportunity for the City of Gainesville to allow for the Florida Department of Health in Alachua County and for a senior executive with Health Affairs at the University of Florida to address COVID-19 vaccine distribution. With tens of thousands of people joining the…