
March 2021

  • Is Your Telephone Town Hall Provider Taking Advantage of You?

    Is Your Telephone Town Hall Provider Taking Advantage of You?

    Tell me if this sounds familiar, “We dialed 30,000 households. We had 1800 participants at the peak of the call. We paid for 30,000 households dialed.” Or how about, “Our pricing is based on the size of the universe dialed.” In other words, you are being charged per…

  • SMART. SAFE. FAIR. UFCW Turns Pledge Into Action

    SMART. SAFE. FAIR. UFCW Turns Pledge Into Action

    UFCW members who are employed by Tyson had an opportunity to fully discuss the proposed contract changes, ask questions of leadership, and ultimately vote whether to accept or reject the contract proposal. Most notably, the call allowed the members to engage in this important process from the safety of their homes.