
Municipalities & Counties

Upgrading City & County Outreach with TTHM

Jump to video of a mock Teletownhall production for Gotham City

How does a Telephone Town Hall Meeting work for a city or county?

Denver AI Skyline municipal telephone town hall meeting
  • We use virtual telephone town hall forums to connect city and county leaders to a large target citizen audience.
  • The event starts with an outbound dial to resident landline and mobile phones along with Web Registrants and Text Alert Opt-Ins.
  • The forum continues with moderated introductions, updates from city leaders, and details from content experts.
  • TTHM works with client deciders to engage the listening audience through screened, moderated Q&A and real-time polling.
  • We can focus the discussion on a bond initiative, the budget, infrastructure, parks & recreation, disaster relief, transportation, etc. Or we can allow questions from the audience to dictate Q&A with answers coming from multiple departments and/or city leaders.

TTHM offers Alternate Language Simulcasts in Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean, Cantonese, and more to reach deeper into your community.

  • The TTHM Moderator and a team of live Operators manage the telephone town hall by screening questions, collecting emails, running polls, delivering PSA’s, and facilitating Q&A.
  • During the forum, client decision-makers review questions using a web-based control platform. You determine which questions to answer, which speakers will answer them, and which residents to flag for later followup offline.
  • We provide clients with training on the tele-town hall virtual production platform to ensure that speakers and decision-makers are comfortable during the live forum.
  • Reporting includes a full forum recording, detailed participation statistics, all submitted questions, collected emails, any voicemails left by participants and more.
City Park People tele-town hall outreach for municipalities

What other services can be combined with Teletownhall event productions for Cities and Counties?

  • Add a Simulcast in Spanish, Vietnamese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean, Armenian, etc. to ensure that you are communicating with residents across language barriers.
  • Use our custom Web Registration Page to generate VIP opt-ins from the community. These numbers are typically dialed first before a larger dialing list targeted by area/demographics.
  • Offer a Web Simulcast via a web browser on a mobile device or PC so that residents can register and join during the live forum.
  • Take advantage of our Zoom Integrations so that tech-savvy community members can choose to join on a familiar webinar platform instead of listening over the phone.
  • Leverage our Branded MMS Text Alert service to deliver detailed information under a city banner image that authenticates your messaging for residents. This tool can also be used to generate ongoing opt-ins for your telephone town hall forums.
  • Utilize Mobile Direct Dialing to reach mobile phones during the tele-town hall dialout with a live invitation to join the discussion.

Telephone Town Hall Meeting has served municipalities and counties of all sizes over twenty years of working in mass-communications.

TTHM can help you reach more residents than all your traditional engagement tools combined using push-dialout live forums and branded texting. Visit the TTHM Toolbox to see all our outreach tools.

Contact Us for a virtual demo of our services and a custom quote.

VIEW a mock forum for Gotham City District 2

Want to get a closer look at how it works?
Get in touch with us now to schedule a demo of our outreach technology and services.