Expanding outreach through TTHM’s mass-communication tools typically starts with teletownhalls. Call your target audience and engage them with live professional call operators like me!
Here are some helpful add-ons that can make your telephone town halls even more successful. Before the telephone town hall meeting takes place, sending a p2p text alert to mobile phones of potential audience members encourages them to opt-in for the outbound teletownhall dial.
10DLC will clear Text Alert traffic using a verified 10-digit phone number vetted by mobile carriers through The Campaign Registry (TCR).
Teletownhalls bring in participants who may lack consistent access to a computer/smartphone or a dedicated internet connection. Web Simulcasting, Webinar Integration and Web Registration provide a broad range of digital access options to our managed events. TTHM is dedicated to creating virtual forums that reach participants in their comfort zone.