
  • One Click at a Time Episode 01 The TTHM Story

    One Click at a Time Episode 01 The TTHM Story

    In the first episode of our “One Click at a Time” podcast, Jason Ackerman sits down with Ian Cerveny, Allison Court, and Preston Underwood to talk through what makes TTHM unique. These vanguards of the modern telecoms industry have worked as a group of tight-knit friends and family side-by-side for more than a decade. Get…

  • Clarify COVID & Vaccine Guidelines for Your Community

    Clarify COVID & Vaccine Guidelines for Your Community

    Telephone Town Hall Meeting (TTHM) has been extremely successful in helping clients communicate urgent and ongoing COVID-related information. Public-facing entities need to explain the current situation, set expectations for the future, and detail a broader plan for the COVID pandemic. Many of our clients feature expert guests from medical, advocacy and public policy backgrounds.

  • Effective Peer-to-Peer P2P Texting Campaigns

    Effective Peer-to-Peer P2P Texting Campaigns

    You probably already know what P2P Text Alerts are, who uses Text Alerts, how peer-to-peer texting works, and the difference between SMS and MMS. If not, TTHM can educate you on this dynamic mass-text technology.

  • STIR/SHAKEN is here… are you FCC compliant?

    STIR/SHAKEN is here… are you FCC compliant?

    STIR/SHAKEN requires that calls traveling through US phone networks have their Caller ID number “signed” as legitimate by originating carriers, then validated by recipient carriers as the phone call travels to the target recipient. Using STIR/SHAKEN, we can authenticate each phone call’s origin for each carrier involved in delivering your message. This ensures that your…

  • How MMS Text is Making SMS Text Obsolete

    How MMS Text is Making SMS Text Obsolete

    MMS text has more capabilities than SMS text. By adding media like a banner image to an outbound text message, we can create a visual dimension to your outreach. More importantly, a branded image makes the message authentic for text recipients. Authenticity is key when sending P2P Text Alerts.

  • Compliance is Key: How TTHM is Helping Clients Keep up with the FCC & TCPA

    Compliance is Key: How TTHM is Helping Clients Keep up with the FCC & TCPA

    The FCC has released an order that outlines modifications to the TCPA based on the need to comply with the TRACED Act. TTHM has been tracking the rollout and implementation of these regulations for years so that we can keep our clients ahead of the compliance curve.