Here are some helpful add-ons that can make your telephone town halls even more successful. Before the telephone town hall meeting takes place, sending a p2p text alert to mobile phones of potential audience members encourages them to opt-in for the outbound teletownhall dial.
10DLC will clear Text Alert traffic using a verified 10-digit phone number vetted by mobile carriers through The Campaign Registry (TCR).
Like most of our labor clients, SEIU 503 in Oregon already uses Teletownhalls to keep its members updated. Forums typically focus on bargaining, reporting workplace issues, and utilizing the resources of the union. It was a natural step for 503 to call the entire membership for a discussion on how the new mandate affects workers…
You probably already know what P2P Text Alerts are, who uses Text Alerts, how peer-to-peer texting works, and the difference between SMS and MMS. If not, TTHM can educate you on this dynamic mass-text technology.
The City of Dallas ran its first TTHM teletownhalls in August of 2013. Since then, Dallas has grown its use of our virtual forum technology to include more residents each year. Dallas was our first client to insist on including a Spanish-language participation option for every single teletownhall forum.
MMS text has more capabilities than SMS text. By adding media like a banner image to an outbound text message, we can create a visual dimension to your outreach. More importantly, a branded image makes the message authentic for text recipients. Authenticity is key when sending P2P Text Alerts.
Peer-to-Peer Texting allows our operators to send individual texts at a rapid rate. Each text is sent manually, and every response is managed based on customized scripts that can also be modified by operators to fit replies.
Every outreach initiative is unique, and TTHM encourages discussing all text options to determine the best balance of cost, deliverability and impact.