TTHM Super Staff

Our Greatest Strength is Dedicated, Experienced Employees

Our Super Staff is coordinated virtually, with each staff member working remotely from their own office space.

This gives us incredible flexibility in setting up and orchestrating mass-outreach for our clients. It has also allowed us to employ the same fantastic people consistently for years.

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…and a shout out here to all of our incredible live operators who process questions and email opt-ins during our Tele-TownHall events. This small army of talented question screeners and data collectors do as much to make each live forum a success as anyone else on Team TTHM. Which is why we pay our in-event operators more than four times the national minimum wage; we invest in productive long-term relationships with our staff and our clients.

Request a Demo

Want to get a closer look at how it works?
Get in touch with us now to schedule a demo of our outreach technology and services.