
What is changing and how does it affect you?

Opt-Out Requirements

  1. Reliable Do Not Contact (DNC) processing required. The Teletownhall system accepts participant requests to be placed on the DNC list automatically. TTHM Operators also process live DNC requests from event participants. These opt-outs are scrubbed from all future outreach on your behalf. We maintain a unique DNC list for each client and have since 2014.
  2. When leaving a voicemail for either a voice broadcast or a teletownhall dialout, the message must include a phone number where you can be contacted. TTHM has made this step mandatory for all phone outreach since 2014 and has mandated opt-out language in our P2P Text Alerts since 2018. Quality outreach means doing what’s right for both our clients and for consumers.

What happens next?