
Ops View: Healthcare Clients (Capabilities)

healthcare forum, latino healthcare forum, healthcare clients, benefit coverage, retention

In my own life, I was navigating the pandemic in my home state as well as moving across the country while working remotely as an operator for TTHM. It was fascinating to be able to provide information for people in multiple states, while traveling through multiple states, about how to stay safe from this novel virus. Part of my job became calming down event participants if they were alone and unable to find the information they needed. I felt safe the whole time as I worked remotely from my mobile home office while living a nomadic lifestyle.

Since we are able to interact and hear one another, if they have any comprehension issues, I can take my time and make sure they have accurately received phone numbers, websites, or any other information they need. Some folks are thrilled just to have a live person on the phone with them and they can become quite chatty. If the queue of callers waiting to submit a question is not too large, I enjoy lending a compassionate ear to someone who may live alone, have a limited support system, family that they don’t see often enough, or a medical issue that they are concerned about. If I don’t have enough information to help them, I also have the ability to mark them for a follow-up from the member services team to make sure they get what they need in a timely manner.

About Becca:
As a TTHM Operator since 2020, Becca has collected thousands of e-newsletter opt-ins and processed even more live questions for a myriad of telephone town hall events. Producing forums for school districts, political campaigns, medical insurance providers, labor unions, and cities around the country has helped Becca to gain a wealth of knowledge from client speakers and event participants. Becca works from her home office on Florida’s Gulf Coast, but she has produced live forums while working remotely from Colorado, Montana, Iowa and lots of other places in between!